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Environment & Food Security

Environment & Food Security


Building houses with bricks increases CO2 emissions. We are destroying fish breeding beds by dredging the sea beds for shingle. I suggest houses should be built using timber on a steel frame; sheep’s wool for insulation and fireproofing and solar panels on the roof. We should be growing more trees.

Paying mortgages and rents are creating air pollution as well as mental health issues like depression, as one wage won’t pay the cost of housing, so both have to go to work. Has anyone considered what pollution we are creating by having to purchase or rent a home?


We have nationalised industries that would appear to be paid by the state and any profit goes to the state. We have private companies where they employ people to do the work; any surplus profit goes to the shareholders.

We would like to introduce a third option.

For example, we have an investor who purchased an industrial site with three work units on the land. and paid £100,000 for the site 20 years ago, they have received £100,000 in rents over that period of time from each unit.

Now the owners see this as a brownfield development site, so they want to remove the tenants, then put in a planning application for houses.

If we use a greenfield site for an example, this would be valued at no more than 10 times agriculture value. This would be around £100,000.

The tenants could purchase the units for a third of the value = £33,333.

In the example above the tenants would be saving £67,000 each over the twenty year period.

In the event the tenants want to move on or retire, they would get their money back.

In the event they employed more than 15 people, companies employed more than 15 people they would be advised to create a Co-operative.

The management would work on a basic wage for the working staff and a dividend for the shareholders, but any capital surplus to the company would then be divided between the workers and shareholders.

Anyone employing less than 15 people would have an option to have the cooperative idea.

The state could underwrite loans to new start up businesses.

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